Alasala Colleges

Alasala Colleges

360 Marketing Solutions: Social Media, BR, Registration Campaigns, & Outdoor Signage designs.


Al Asalah College for Excellence is one of the leading private universities in Dammam, dedicated to creating a stimulating academic environment that promotes learning, research, and innovation. Its goal is to develop future leaders who contribute to building a prosperous and sustainable community.

Media buying(ADS)

Successful marketing campaigns have been executed, focusing on carefully selecting advertisements and distribution channels targeted at appropriate audiences. This has resulted in achieving record numbers of clicks, registrations, and inquiries.

Public Relations

Public relations at Al Asalah College have been strengthened through organizing events such as "Winter at Asalah" and "International Days," including occasions like Mother's Day and blood donation drives. The aim is to enhance community spirit and benefit students and staff.

Social Media Platforms

We managed their social media platforms in all the posts and motion graphic videos for registration campaigns, international days, contracting and collaborations and reflected the brand identity

Marketing Strategy Plans

Social media platforms have been managed meticulously, creating animated graphics and videos for registration campaigns, international days, contracts, and collaborations, all aimed at reinforcing the brand identity.


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